The Ideal United Kingdom
(1 Chronicles 9:35 — 2 Chronicles 9:31)
by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
This third major portion of David's reign presents the high point of his life from the Chronicler's perspective. Having already recorded the joy resulting from widespread support for David's dynasty (see 9:35-12:40), as well as celebration over the presence of the ark in Jerusalem (see 13:1-16:43), the Chronicler turned next to the largest and most significant part of David's reign (17:1-29:30). Here David brought indescribable joy to Israel by making preparations for Solomon to build the temple.
Comparison of 17:1-29:25 with Samuel
A number of significant variations occur between 2 Samuel and 1 Chr 17:1-29:25. More detailed comparisons appear in the discussions below. At this point only a few general comments will be made (see figure 15). First, in broad terms 17:1-22:1 derive from the portions of 2 Sam 7:1-24:25. As our figure illustrates, the Chronicler omitted a number of segments, but these chapters in Chronicles are at least loosely parallel to Samuel.
Second, this material contains the Chronicler's largest uninterrupted addition to Samuel and Kings (22:2-29:25). As such, it brings to light the Chronicler's chief concern in the reign of David: the king's devotion to preparing for Solomon's temple.
David Prepares for the Temple, part 1: Overview of 1 Chronicles 17:1—29:25

Structure of 17:1-29:25
This portion of David's reign divides into five symmetrical steps (see figure 16).
David Prepares for the Temple (17:1-29:25)

The overarching symmetry of this material displays its primary concerns. First, David accepted his God-ordained role to prepare for Solomon to build the temple (17:1-27). In balance with this opening, David finished his effort by transferring responsibilityfor the temple to Solomon (28:1-29:25). In the second step of this section David gathers materials for construction (18:1-20:8). In the fourth step, David commissioned that these materials be used (22:2-27:34). The center of this material (21:1-22:1) recollects the preceding theme of David's military accomplishments (18:1-20:8) by reporting David's military census. It also anticipates the commission to build (22:2-27:34) by indicating how David's military census led to the discovery of the temple site. At the end of these chapters, the Chronicler closed David's reign (29:26-30).